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Conservation Meeting Minutes 1/9/03

Conservation Commission
January 9, 2003

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Katherine Roth, Stephan Glicken, and Janet Dunlap were the members present.  Hank Langstroth arrived at 7:58 p.m.:

7:45 p.m. Paul Vitali, Transportation Advisory Board, Discussion of Sidewalk Construction Projects:

Paul Vitali, Committee Member for the Transportation Advisory Board, was appointed by the Selectmen to address questions involving transportation issues. One of his job functions is to advise the Selectmen on sidewalk construction projects.  Paul presented to the Commission a list of proposed sidewalk construction projects in Sharon and a map of the streets indicating where they are located and asked the Commission to consider any issues they may have associated with those selections.
Peg stated that the Commission would be concerned about sidewalk construction projects that had conservation issues in terms of filings and asked Paul for an explanation of how the Transportation Advisory Board prioritizes the list of sidewalks for construction.
Paul explained to the Commission that the Transportation Advisory Board Committee identifies sidewalk construction priorities based on public input, hearings, and feedback from the Engineering Division, Police Chief, Fire Chief, School Committee, etc. and described the formula of criteria the Transportation Advisory Board uses to prioritize a list of sidewalk construction projects. School children use, safety, right of way availability, layout, vehicular traffic as well as other issues are primarily considered.
Paul stated he would provide the Commission with the ranking chart showing why the Cottage Street Sidewalk was ranked so low on the list and subsequent to the Commission's viewing of the chart, requested he be notified of any issues.
Peg concluded that after reviewing the list, the Commission would send a memo outlining their concerns to Paul with a copy to Peter O'Cain.

8:05 p.m. Update on Morse, Lot 1 Massapoag Ave.:

Peg read aloud to the Commission a letter received from James Foley stating that his property abuts Richard Morse's lot on Massapoag Avenue and requests a public hearing per Article 23 - Section 4.7 to voice his concerns regarding the approved wetland line.
Peg called for a motion to accept the request from James Foley for a public hearing/meeting to address the concerns of the Massapoag Avenue lot. Janet moved. Hank seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

Peg advised the Commission that Miller re-flagged the wetland line on Lot 1 Massapoag Avenue and it complies with the flag line on the Plan submitted. The issue is whether the wetland line is correct as flagged.
The Building Inspector has revoked the foundation permit stating that the proposed new house
construction may be inside the 100' Buffer Zone because of questions concerning the wetland delineation.
Greg stated that the Special Conditions on the Order of Conditions have been complied with except that the vernal pool has not been certified yet.

The Commission reviewed a copy of a letter sent to the Assessor's Office from Robert G. Morse Jr. & Ethel Morse stating that a portion of lot 1 Massapoag Avenue was given to their Granddaughter, Patricia M. Waters. The purpose of the letter is to remove Lot 1 on Massapoag Ave. from Chapter 61A to allow her granddaughter to build a home on family property.
Greg explained to the Commission that there are guidelines to follow before land can be removed from Chapter 61A. The Town normally has the right of first refusal to buy the land before it's developed and the Town has up to 120 days to exercise that option.  If they are not interested anytime in between up to that point then the owner of the property is obligated to pay a five-year roll back on the taxes.  However, the
law allows land to be transferred to a relative (Granddaughter) in which case, the Town does not have the option of first refusal.

Page 2, SCC Minutes 1/9/03

8:15 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills and Certificate of Compliance, Campanelli Companies DEP# SE-280-406, pending receipt of deed, for lot D-1 Commercial Street.

8:20 p.m. Discuss possible swap of Parcel "B" for Parcel "S" Shaw's Plaza:

Greg announced to the Commission that Shaw's Plaza has offered to swap Parcel "B" for Parcel "S".
The Commission concurred to reject the offer.

8:25 p.m. Review Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to accept the December 19, 2002, meeting minutes with the noted change.
Janet moved. Steve seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:30 p.m. The Commission prepares letter to Douglas Foy, Chief of Commonwealth Development:

The Commission concurred to send a letter to Douglas Foy, requesting his support in the preservation of Rattlesnake Hill.

8:35 p.m. Proposed New Subdivision (3 Lots) A.G.M., Inc. - Wolomolopoag Street:

The Commission received a Notice of Intent Filing from A.G. M. Inc.  The Commission reviewed the Plans for the proposed new Gridley Pond Subdivision on Wolomolopag Street across from Furnace Street.

8:40 p.m. Other Issues:

Peg announced to the Commission that a seminar on Higher Green School Buildings is being held at the High School Library on Monday, January 13th at 8:00 p.m.

8:45 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank moved. Steve seconded. Voted. Unanimous.